We are deeply grateful to all contributors for their excellent work and for their patience with us. The anthology couldn’t have happened without the goodwill of the authors, who had entrusted their work to us; and the translators, all of whom were willing to take up the project as a labor of love.
Special thanks go to the wonderful and supportive team of the Academic Studies Press. We are thankful to the Ukrainian Series Editor Vitaly Chernetsky, who had endorsed the project and trusted us to take it on. His thoughtful comments and suggestions helped the project take the shape it did, and challenged us to keep improving it to the very end. We couldn’t have completed the anthology without the generous support and expertly advice of ASP’s acquisitions editors, Meghan Vicks, Faith Stein, and Oleh Kotsyuba. Meghan helped the project take off, both conceptually and financially, facilitating the applications for NEH and HURI funding. Faith saw that project take more definitive shape, offering sensitive guidance at every step. Oleh’s thoughtful suggestions helped us improve the project at its final stages and bring it to completion. His enthusiasm, grace, and support have inspired us to keep going when we most felt like giving up.
The project had also benefited from the support of friends, colleagues, and mentors. Andriy Zayarnyuk reviewed the scholarly apparatus with an eye to historical plausibility and helped us refine and improve it. Kevin Vaughn spent countless hours on Skype editing the translations with us to the din of the streets of Paris, Berlin, and Prague, and the birdsongs of Lviv and Arkansas. Working with him was both inspiring and humbling. Discussions with Olena Haleta had helped us refine our conception of the project at its earliest most vulnerable stages. Oksana Lutsyshyna gave her unending support in bridging gaps and building bridges and continually helped us communicate with authors and translators. Polina Barskova’s rigorous questioning led us out of the woods when we found ourselves stalling. Ilya Kaminsky suggested that the anthology spill over into an on-going virtual project, encouraging us to keep working on new translations and adding new names.
We are also thankful to venues that had published works that appear in this anthology, drawing greater attention to our authors and translators.